Friday, January 31, 2020
Against Same Sex Marriage Essay Example for Free
Against Same Sex Marriage Essay The legalization of the marriage between same sex couples will permanently change the rite of marriage in our society. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family. Marriage is the institution that forms and upholds for society, the cultural and social values and symbol related to procreation. That is, it establishes the values that govern the transmission of human life to the next generation and the nurturing of that life in the basic societal unit, the family. Through marriage our society works out the relationship of two people who will together create and nurture a new generation. To change the definition of marriage to include same sex marriage couples would destroy its capacity to function in many ways. It could no longer represent procreative relationships of opposite sex marriages.Reproduction is the fundamental occurrence on which the future of life depends. It is the primary reason why marriage is so important to society. In same sex marriages procreation would be eliminated entirely. First, when the state sanctions homosexual relationships and gives them its blessing, the younger generation becomes confused about sexual identity and quickly loses its understanding of lifelong commitments, emotional bonding, sexual purity, the role of children in a family, and from spiritual prospective, the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is reduced to a partnership that provides attractive benefits and sexual convenience. Cohabitation and short term relationships are the inevitable result. Second, the introduction of legalized gay marriages will lead to polygamy and other alternatives to the one man, on woman unions. Why will gay marriage set the table for polygamy? Because there is no place to stop once the line has been crossed. Historically, the definition of marriage has rested on a foundation of tradition, legal precedent, theology, and the overwhelming support of the people. After the introduction of marriage between homosexuals it will be supported by nothing more substantiated than the opinion of a single judge or by a black-robed panel of justices (Marriage under Fire). After their decision, the family will consist of little more than someones interpretation of rights. Given that unstable legal judgment, it is certain some self-possessed judge, somewhere, will soon rule that three men or three women can marry. How about group marriage or marriage between cousins, or marriage between parent and child? How about marriage between a man and his animal? Anything allegedly linked to civil rights will be doable. The legal underpinnings for marriage will have been destroyed. These other couples restricted from marrying are not equivalent to homosexual couples, but are necessary to illustrate that marriage is heavily regulated, and for good reason. When a state recognizes a marriage, it bestows upon the couple certain benefits which are costly to both the state and other individuals. Collecting a deceased spouses social security, claiming an extra tax exemption for a spouse, and having the right to be covered under a spouses health insurance policy are just a few examples of its costly benefits associated with marriage. In a sense, a married couple receives a subsidy. A marriage between two unrelated heterosexuals is likely to result in a family with children. For this reason, states have, in varying degrees, restricted from marriage, couples unlikely to produce children. One may argue that lesbians are capable of procreating via artificial insemination, so the state does have an interest in recognizing lesbian marriages, but a lesbians sexual relationship, committed or not, has no bearing on her ability to reproduce (Single Parent: What Helps, What Hurts). However, there is ample evidence that children need both female and male parent for proper development. It is essential for a child to be nurtured by parents of both sexes if a child is to learn to function in a society made up of both sexes (Life without Father). With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach that this lifestyle is the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a woman and a man. Textbooks, even in conservative states, will have to depict man/man and woman/woman relationships and stories written for children as young as elementary or even kindergarten, will have to give equal space to homosexuals. Every public school will also be forced to teach that same sex marriage and homosexuality are perfectly normal. They will teach little boysà and little girls that husband and wife and father and moother are merely optional for a family and therfore, meaningless (No Gay Marriage). Same sex families deny children either a mother or father. In certain cases, the same sex family is not driven by the needs of children, but rather by the radical wishes of a small group of adults. Thousands of published social science, psychological and medical studies show that children living in fatherless families, on average, suffer dramatically in every measure of well-being. These children suffer from higher levels of loneliness, physical or mental illness, behavior problems, educa tional failure or criminal troubles. The third reason marriage between homosexuals will destroy traditional marriage is that this is the ultimate goal of activists, and they will not stop until they achieve it. Homosexual activists, with their inner power and exhilaration, feel the political climate is right to tell us what they have wanted all along. Gay marriages are likely to do for gay rights what the rallying cry of abortion on demand did for the Equal Rights Amendment and the womens movement. It diverts the real debate on every level. It reduces the cause of gay rights to a single issue. But the real deal is most gays and lesbians do not want to marry each other. They do not want to entangle themselves in all sorts of legal constraints (Single Parent What Helps, What Hurts). In a perfect democratic world, gay marriage would be an option for those who want it. However, this world is not a perfect democracy, and the fight for gay marriage is the wrong fight at the wrong time (Focus on Family). In conclusion, the reason for excluding same sex couples from marriage matters: If the reason for denying homosexual marriage is that we have no respect for same sex couples and their relationships and want to give the message that homosexuality is wrong, then that is discrimination and that is wrong. On the other hand, if the reason is to keep the very nature, essence and substance of marriage intact, and the essence is to protect the procreative relationship, then excluding same sex couples from marriage is ethically acceptable. This such refusal is not discrimination. Ethics requires us to take the least invasive, least restrictive alternative, reasonably available and likely to be effective in achieving a justifiedà goal. Maintaining a traditional marriage and legally recognizing same sex partnerships fulfills that ethical requirement (Why Marriage Matters). Gay and lesbian people have a right to form meaningful relationships. They do not have a right to redefine marriage for all of us. What will happen to society if marriage becomes anything or everything or nothing? The short answer is that the state will lose its compelling interest in marital relationships altogether. After marriage has been redefined, divorces will be obtained instantly, will not involve a court, and will take on the status of a drivers license or hunting permit. With the family out of the way, all rights and privileges of marriage will accrue to gay and lesbian partners without the legal entanglements and commitments associated with it. These are a few reasons why I am against homosexual marriage. Legalizing it will change everything, especially the institution of the family. Every society needs natural marriage- as many men as possible each finding a woman, caring for and committing himself exclusively to her- working together to create and raise the next generation.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Essay example --
The internet is a system where the global network of computers are connected by having constant sending and receiving of data using the transmission control protocol or internet protocol as a channel (Team, 2012) (Apache). Internet is also known as a virtual space where people can retrieve information, communicate with others around the world and many other activities, especially the baby boomers and the generation X. Baby boomers are people born between the year 1946 to the year of 1964 (Library, 2013); while generation X are individuals born in between the years of 1966 to 1976 (Schroer). They are the group of people where they face troubles and problems in adapting towards the internet technology. The following paragraphs will be their struggles and also the ways to help them adopting the internet technology. As people grow older, their ability of learning new things tends to slow down. Thus due to their gradually slowing learning pace, the baby boomers and the generation X are experiencing hard times to adopt with the new technologies. This is a situation and a fact that is unable to avoid because this is human nature. Even if they tried to learn a new technology, before they could even fully learn it, another new technology will be invented. The baby boomers and the generation X just could not follow the fast pace of changes in the technology world. Though their learning pace is slowing down it does not mean they do not have the ability to learn at all. If they are willing to learn and hardworking enough, they can still be able to cope with the new technology. To the baby boomers and the generation X who always feels that the current style is the best; they will be using the basic model cell phones. This is because to them,... ...nformation is needed, such as online bank transferring website can strengthen the security of their webpages. This can boost the confidence level of the baby boomers and the generation X towards internet banking and increase the sense of reliability of online banking, which can then benefit both parties. Inform the baby boomers and generation X about the advantages and the usefulness of password, where it acts as the key to access the information stored online and it also can actually protect leaking of information to others. In conclusion, the baby boomers and generation X are having difficult times in handling the non-stop developing technology field. Many of them do not have the ability to or a chance to have contact with the technology. Things need to be done to help them to cope with the new technology so that they will not be left out from the modern society. Essay example -- The internet is a system where the global network of computers are connected by having constant sending and receiving of data using the transmission control protocol or internet protocol as a channel (Team, 2012) (Apache). Internet is also known as a virtual space where people can retrieve information, communicate with others around the world and many other activities, especially the baby boomers and the generation X. Baby boomers are people born between the year 1946 to the year of 1964 (Library, 2013); while generation X are individuals born in between the years of 1966 to 1976 (Schroer). They are the group of people where they face troubles and problems in adapting towards the internet technology. The following paragraphs will be their struggles and also the ways to help them adopting the internet technology. As people grow older, their ability of learning new things tends to slow down. Thus due to their gradually slowing learning pace, the baby boomers and the generation X are experiencing hard times to adopt with the new technologies. This is a situation and a fact that is unable to avoid because this is human nature. Even if they tried to learn a new technology, before they could even fully learn it, another new technology will be invented. The baby boomers and the generation X just could not follow the fast pace of changes in the technology world. Though their learning pace is slowing down it does not mean they do not have the ability to learn at all. If they are willing to learn and hardworking enough, they can still be able to cope with the new technology. To the baby boomers and the generation X who always feels that the current style is the best; they will be using the basic model cell phones. This is because to them,... ...nformation is needed, such as online bank transferring website can strengthen the security of their webpages. This can boost the confidence level of the baby boomers and the generation X towards internet banking and increase the sense of reliability of online banking, which can then benefit both parties. Inform the baby boomers and generation X about the advantages and the usefulness of password, where it acts as the key to access the information stored online and it also can actually protect leaking of information to others. In conclusion, the baby boomers and generation X are having difficult times in handling the non-stop developing technology field. Many of them do not have the ability to or a chance to have contact with the technology. Things need to be done to help them to cope with the new technology so that they will not be left out from the modern society.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Colonial System (Summary)
The Philippine condition was a reflection of the political, economic and socio-religious developments of Spain. During the 16th and the 17th century almost all European monarchs adopted the political idea of absolutism as well as the economic system of mercantilism. Under the system of mercantilism, the king was involved in extensive intervention of any economic life to foster national growth. The Spanish government was highly centralized in form.All the Spanish governmental powers were all undertaken by this council; executive, legislative and judicial, and were transmitted to all governor-generals in each respective colony. The royal orders and edicts became the guides of any governor-general in administering the Philippines. He was at first appointed by the Viceroy of Mexico and later by the monarch of Spain. His vast powers and the distance of the Philippines from either Spain or Mexico shaped natural tendencies of a governor-general to be abusive. The Philippines was divided int o provinces and special districts.They were known as alcaldias and each under the charge of an alcalde mayor. The special districts were the unconquered regions or corregimientos, where Filipino resistance still went on. Unlike the governor-general, the alcalde mayor never had any legislative power. Only judicial cases over his towns were under his jurisdiction cases involving the amount of not more than Php200. The church prevailing principle of adaptation greatly influenced the Spanish government to relatively retain the prehispanic political structure of the Filipinos.In the beginning of Legaspiââ¬â¢s conquest, the office of gobernadorcillo, which is equivalent to the present town mayor, was heredity; opened to descendants of the datu or chieftains. The mayor political change in the choice of a gobernadorcillo came in 1847, when the Spanish Crown directed and sent the first Spanish Code of Laws for the native Filipinos. The election laws of 1847, according to Arcilla, required the following qualifications: a) he must be a native born; b) he must be 25 years old; c) able to read and write in Spanish; and d) never been guilty of any crime.The election was set in November, for a term of 2 years. The cabeza de barangay remained appointive; all were under the supervisory of the local priest and the alcalde mayor. The governadorcillo was tasked to supervise the collection of taxes in his town and pay the difference from his pocket if the collection of the taxes would not tally to the defective; inadequate census prepared and estimated by the Spanish friars. What made the Philippines government form unique was the union of church and state.By virtue of the Patronato Real, the Spanish king had the right to rule lands discovered, with a duty of supporting the material needs of the church in those lands. In other words, the king had the right to command and demand what was necessary to carry out the task he accepted from Rome, in order to help spread the Christian religion. The mighty Philip II, who had assumed these religious rights, seemed that his interest was in his mind, so, when we speak of the church in the Philippines during the Spanish regime, we mean particularly the Spanish church serving the ends of Spanish empire.The marriage between the church and state enabled the religious to occupy and dominate significant governmental positions. Historians acknowledge the fact that the real representative of the Spanish Crown was the church not the state. The Spanish Church was too conservative while they were responsible for the Christianization of the Filipinos they were also deterrents to nationââ¬â¢s progress thus, in the 19th century the Filipino propagandists, reformists and revolutionists demanded their expulsion from the Philippines.
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Use Of Shug And Celie In Alice Walkers The Color Purple
Loretta Young, an American actress and singer once quoted, ââ¬Å"Love isnââ¬â¢t something you find. Love is something that finds youâ⬠(BrainyQuote). Love in the world is something that a person shouldnââ¬â¢t try to find because love should come to one person from another. Celie from Alice Walkerââ¬â¢s The Color Purple went through a great deal of mental and physical abuse. Celie saw a picture of a woman who she thought was the most beautiful woman she has ever seen; her name was Shug Avery. When Celie met Shug and eventually got closer to her, she felt many types of love for Shug. Most of the time love can be shown through action, but Shug shown Celie love through endless ways other than her actions. By the end of the novel Shug and Celieââ¬â¢s relationshipâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"Well, sometime Mister git on me pretty hard. I have to talk to Old Maker. But he my husband. I shrug my shoulders. This life soon be over, I say. Heaven last all ways.â⬠(Walker 42). Anytime Mister would physically touch Celie in any way, she would shut up and go along with it. Celie had such a fear of men from when she was younger that she thought that a man should be higher than a woman when in marriage. Celie was forced to marry Mister to tend the children, perform the housework, and to pleasure Mister as a woman. Shug Avery thought Celie was worth so much more than Celie believed she was herself. Shug knew she had to teach Celie how to believe in herself against men and that she isnââ¬â¢t what she thinks men see her as. When living a life like Celieââ¬â¢s, it is important to have someone to talk to. Shug was the person Celie opened up to, when Nettie wasnââ¬â¢t there. As Celie opened up to Shug, she began telling Shug about her marriage with Mister. As Shug begins to listen to Celie about how Mister treats her behind closed doors, Shug grows closer to Celie. Shug begins to give Celie advice about how being a woman means you have to stand up for yourself. When Shug told Mister that she was moving to Tennessee, Mister was livid. Mister started to call Celie ugly names and treated her worthless throughout the lecture of her not being allowed to move to Tennessee. Celie begins to take pleasure in Shugââ¬â¢s advice and stands against Mister and says, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m pore, Iââ¬â¢m black, I mayShow MoreRelatedThe Color Purple by Alice Walker926 Words à |à 4 PagesThe award-winning novel, ââ¬Å"The Color Purpleâ⬠by Alice Walker, is a story about a woman going through cruel things suc h as: incest, rape, and physical abuse. 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